Script for Documentary Film or Podcast
Want to write a script for a documentary film, memoir, autobiography, or podcast? Need a perspective on how to present the material to make it stand out?
- Course Start: Upon agreement
- Number of Sessions: Once a week - 9 weeks (2.5 months)
- For Whom: Those wishing to master the documentary genre or podcasting.
- Student Requirements: Desire to write your own story, at least 30 minutes a day for homework, watch recommended films
- Price: $410
Individual course, lessons tailored to the student. One session per week: by the end of the course, you will have your own script.
- Main question of the documentary genre
- Understanding your audience
- Script focus
- Five questions to answer right away
- Creating intrigue
- Features of documentary memoirs
- How to effectively present an interviewee
- Plot twists
- Documentary projects for Netflix
- Approaches to interviews
You will have your own script for a documentary film, podcast, memoir, or autobiography. Plus, you'll gain tools and knowledge to create your next projects.
- How to see the future by looking into the past?
- Similarities between documentary and fiction projects
- Discovering deep themes
- The depth of philosophy in cinema
- Making a clear film without losing your voice
- Checklist after each session
- Evaluating the effectiveness of films or advertisements
- Individual sessions
- Larry King Course
- Master of the Course Dmitriy Borisenko